The story takes place in the very near future. Gamers play a rookie member of the Global Assault Team, a commando squad created by international powers to take on a dangerous group of freelance terrorist factions better known as The Syndicate. Made from of a collective of real bad guys - former Spetznaz, ex-KGB, corrupt CIA, deserted special forces and all kinds of mercenaries, The Syndicate, make and break their own rules. They take hostages, sabotage and destroy vital installations to get the results they want and earn big bucks. The GAT has the mandate to operate on a global level, prevent terrorist actions and dispose of The Syndicate any way they see fit.
System Requirements:
Pentium 1000 Mhz processor, AMD Athlon 1000 Mhz or equivalent
Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP ( Vista un-checked! )
256 Mb internal memory
64 Mb memory AGP 3D video card
750 Mb free space on hard drive
DirectX compliant sound card
DirectX version 9.0b. or later
Latest available drivers for video and sound card

Note: Post your request for games in comments.
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